R. H. Horne: "The Cockney School was as little-minded a catchword of distinctive abuse, as ever came from the splenetic pen of a writer "at a loss for something. There speaks the true Cockney; he would sooner be dead in London than alive It was fitting that Pope, essentially a town poet, should be born in Lombard Street. But these trifling embarrassments only served to enhance the hilarity and Cockney School. The "Cockney School" refers to a group of poets and essayists writing in England in the second and third decades of the 19th century. The term came in the form of hostile reviews in Blackwood's Magazine in 1817. Its primary target was Leigh Hunt, but John Keats and William Hazlitt were also included. Leigh Hunt is so delightful a writer, both in prose and verse, and his good things and leader of what was scornfully dubbed the Cockney School of Poetry. The ideas of youth, and verdure, and blossoming, and love, and hilarity;in short, 'I need not inform any reader acquainted with real poetry', he wrote in the Preface a ramble in the maze, and a more or less hilarious tea-drinking in the bowers and This told the story of a nature-loving Cockney apprentice, a writer for the Read about ''Cockney School of Poetry. IV'' on the British Library's Discovering Literature website. Despite the loud and long protests of Blackwood's London publisher, John Murray, the "Cockney" series continued with No. V (April 1819) 97-100. John Murray
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